Hi to all two of you that read this blog! Thought I'd update it and tell you where I've been.Well, actually, I'll just show ya. The photo below is of Santorini, Greece. It's also called by its ancient name "Thira".
I was actually there this morning!

Crazy huh? To say it was awe inspiring is an understatement. This portion of the city is actually on the edge of a cliff created by an active underwater volcano. But don't worry, the next eruption is scheduled to take place in
20, 000 years. I took a ferry out of the port of Santorini to the island of Mikanos and that's where I am right now. I've rented a scooter for two days and am just going to ride around looking for nice beaches. I've got my trusty snorkel gear and am ready for some fish and sea shell hunting. I've been eating loads of greek salads, octopus , calamari, souvlaki (pork or chicken on a stick), and my favorite drink of the moment: Orange Fanta soda. I need like 3 of these to get me through the heat here.

I'll post more photos when I return, which is sat. The ones above are from google searches.
Oh, and I also rode one of these.....up 300 flights of stairs. And for some reason my donkey realllly liked walking near the edge of the steps. A part of me thinks he really hates his job and scaring the crap out of me just made his day go by easier. And he did scare the crap out of me. You should have seen my face. It looked sort of like donkey's face below.