Screenwriters Expo 2006! Pixar speaks!
The event was held this past Saturday at the Marriott hotel by the Los Angeles Airport (aka: LAX.) My roomate and I woke up bright and early, on a saturday morning no less, to attend this magical event. Morgan Kelly raced on over to our place in the knick of time. He tossed a bear claw and a cup of Joe at me and Sean Szeles, Morgan, and yours truly hopped in the Szeles mobile and ......waited for it to start. You see, the Szeles-mobile has been a little ill these days and even after a few trips to the doctor, it still takes about 10 minutes for her to warm up.
Anyways, away we go!
Which freeway do we take? Morgan says 405..I say no way. Avoid the 405 at all costs..avoid it like the plague. So we take the 110 to the 105 and wallah! No traffic. Biggity Bam..we park the car. Shades on, sketchbooks in tow and shoes laced up tight. We're ready to be inspired and have our creative juices boiling. We step in the lobby...which way do we go? It's a sea of people. I see Disney cats, Dreamworks cats, Sony cats, and Pixar's a who's who of animation talent. There's a sign! Downstairs! We get in line. Shite! Room full...onto the overflow room! Where in the world is that? It's 10 am, we're gonna be late. Dash down a hallway, place my ticket in a bag, Boom we're in.
Andrew Stanton, director of Finding Nemo, begins the day.

My first drawing ever of Woody...I'm actually happier with the snake.

Some future screenwriters.

Master storyteller and Head of Jerry Seinfeld's Bee movie,
Mr. Dave Pimentel

The one and only Dave Derrick (DW story artist) or as I like to call him.... Dirty D!

Top right is Brenda Chapman (director of a secret upcoming Pixar film) and on the bottom left is Lee Unkrich (co-director of Finding Nemo)

Dreamworks' master animator Donnachada Daly (top left) and Dreamworks' master story artist Ennio Torresan ( curly cue hair).
On the bottom we have The Lion King co-director Rob Minkoff. He's currently developing a Mr. Peabody feature film for Dreamworks.
Ennio again, on the bottom.

Dave P. drawing me.
Dave D. drawing Dave P. and a T. rex.

Yeah, I went there. Yup, he's naked. Yeah he's seen it. Yup, he's gonna get me back.

Pixar story artists sharing some knowledge.

Pumpkin Head has the right idea....
and is trying to pick up on a Screenwriter.

Messy hair Mandrews and a Morgan.

The dynamic duo, the powerhouse of the Incredibles,
Mr. Brad Bird (director) and Mr. Mark Andrews ( head of story )
The bottom one of Brad looks more like Napoleon Dynamite. Woops, sorry Brad.

And one more for a graceful finale.

So after long waits in line, chatting with a billion people, and success in ripping Dave Pimentel apart, we decide to head back home. But wait, we can't end the night like that! So we fly over to Los Feliz, speed into a restaurant called Mexico City, and scarf down Enchiladas and Margaritas like a pack of warthogs.
Cheers everyone.